How to Grow Avocado Plants From Pits

It’s such a fun project!  It would take about 10 years before the tree would bear fruits – if at all… besides the fact, that no avocado tree will grow in your area.

But you can still grow a nice little house plant.

You have probably done it before so I won’t write down the details. There are lots of “how to” instructions  online  – also on Pinterest.

Just a few tips from me:

– use only nice plump pits from really ripe avocados

– some of ours were already a bit cracked open and I think that helped speeding up the process though it still does take a while until first the roots and then the seedling shows

– I didn’t change the water daily – just from time to time but I made sure there were always enough water for the pit to sit in

I could cut mine back to 3 inches now to make the stem stronger but it seems quite harsh so I am reluctant.

And they are ready to move to a pot of soil now. The pit should be half covered in soil.

Have you ever grown an avocado plant from a pit?


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