How to plant and maintain a landscaped rose that will deserve its place of honor in your garden?

Planting and caring for a potted rose is quite possible. While these long-lived shrubs have a reputation for being somewhat picky, new cultivars bred for their disease resistance and vigor have made it easier to grow a landscaped rose, even for novice gardeners. A rose garden can be as simple as a formal landscape embellished with arbors, seats, and statues. Even smaller spaces can accommodate roses in containers, raised beds, or narrow side yards. Here are the basics of designing rose gardens, along with some ideas to get you started.

Where to plant a landscaped rose?

Since the rose is a light-loving plant, choose the planting site based on the number of hours of sunlight, 6 to 8 per day. In addition, this place must have good air circulation to prevent disease. Either in the middle of the lawn or around flower beds, or along the borders of flower beds, or climbing up the house’s walls, the landscaped rosebush is always a focal point given its decorative role.


Make paved or gravel-covered walkways for easy access, especially if you like to sit on a romantic bench and inhale the aroma from a rose garden. The bed of the landscaped rose bush should be small enough to accommodate pruning and other maintenance tasks.

Since roses are among the best pergola plants, consider such structures, arbors, and trellises, as well as seating and decorative accents.

Choose the style of the landscaped rose. 

Decide on the type of rose garden you want. Do you want a clean formal look with a hard structured landscape or a more natural look with other plants mixed in? Choose a style that will complement the exterior of your home.

Red, pink or white landscaped rose.


The color scheme is not important because a rose garden is always beautiful. We recommend planting a red landscaped rose next to a pink landscaped rose, and finally, a white landscaped rose to achieve a breathtaking gradient color effect.

How to prepare the ground for a rose garden? 

Despite your urge to grow a maintenance-free landscaped rose, it’s nearly impossible. Roses like rich, well-drained soil with a slightly acidic pH between 6 and 7, amended with compost or other organic material. For containers, use high-quality all-purpose potting soil and make sure the pots have adequate drainage holes.

Which selection to make according to the climatic conditions? 


First of all, you must subject your choice to climatic factors. Choose roses that are easy to care for and resistant in your area. Select varieties for their characteristics, such as flower size, color and shape, fragrance, and repeated or continuous flowering. Many newer varieties are bred for their disease resistance, vigor, and long flowering time, while some older types, especially hybrid roses, are more contaminable.

Is it possible to plant a landscaped ground cover rose? 

Designing a mixed border requires planting low-growing ground cover roses near the front or taller semi-climbers at the rear to establish height and layers.

To cover a slope, ground cover varieties are susceptible to erosion control and require little maintenance.

Suppose you want a bigger impact, plant in drifts, in groups of 3-5 specimens of the same variety. A row of shorter ground cover roses can be planted along a path, in a garden border, or used to define areas of green space.

Landscaping advice

To maximize your space, include climbing roses. Combine with other vine plants such as clematis to create exciting flower sets. You can use climbers along a tall wooden fence to soften the backdrop. It will also be a wonderful display of color throughout the season if you combine a landscaped rose bush with other shrubs blooming at different times.

Create a majestic entrance by softening the landscape with a welcoming entrance made up of an arbor of roses, a privacy fence, and adjacent plantings.

Train climbers along a trellis planter to define garden pieces or to soften an unsightly chain-link fence.

Plant a row of taller shrub roses to create a natural hedge and provide privacy.

To define the transition between a small paved courtyard or patio and the garden, build an arbor covered with roses.

As for rose bushes in containers, this can be a good solution for small spaces, apartment balconies, patios, and terraces. Containers should be at least 40 to 50 cm in diameter and 45 to 60 cm deep. Whiskey half barrels work well. Miniature roses can be grown in smaller hanging pots.

What plants can be found in the vicinity of the rose bushes?

At the edge of the rose sidewalk, plant perennial geraniums that provide a screen and privacy. Roses pair well with a wide variety of trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals.

Choose plants that have the same sustenance requirements: full sun, plentiful water, and rich soil.

Provide contrast with perennials of different sizes, structures, and colors. Good rose companions include alliums, lavender, catmint, salvia, phlox, and speedwell.

Invest in plants that flower at different times to extend the flowering season. These can include perennials or annuals such as petunia, verbena, or calibrachoa.