personalised play mat tutorial

A little while ago, I shared a play mat that I had made for my beautiful friend Bri who just had a little boy. I had a request to make one for a little girl, so I thought I’d share a tutorial to go along with it.

To make the play mat, you’ll need

  • two rectangles of fabric 1mx1.5m,
  • colourful fabric for your letters,
  • fusible web,
  • 1mx1.5m wadding
  • something pretty for the boarder 5m long.

Taking one of the rectangles, sew your appliquéd letters in place. This tutorial is so detailed that you should just follow it…

So now you have this…

Place the two rectangles right sides together with the lace facing inwards. Sew along the boarder, making sure you leave a 15cm gap.

Turn in on itself so that the right sides are facing out.

The gap should now look like this…

Place the wadding inside the casing so that it is flat. Now, to secure the gap that was left, fold the edges in on themselves, and iron flat so that no raw edges are showing. Either hand stitch this or top stitch with your machine.

All done!

A soft place for those little ones we love to lay and play.

For something different, you can try using bias binding for a more ‘manly’ edge.


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