Try to green your outdoor spaces with succulent covering plants which will be a wave of freshness in summer!

The large selection of ground cover plants will leave you bewildered every time you set out to line your garden with style and charm. The succulents lining, with their forms, species and arrangements have become more and more popular because they revive arid massifs of the landscape. While larger succulents are often used on their own as accent plants or in containers, smaller ones get a second look for use as a ground cover. Their drought tolerance and the low maintenance they require make them attractive as a focal point for all budding gardeners. Here is our draft proposal that will give you a green thumb.

What needs do carpet succulents aka succulents have?

Thanks to their thick and slimy appearance, succulents are called bedding succulents, but they are wrong. Indeed, these plants do not have fat, but sap which carries the nutrients necessary for their growth and development. It’s important to note that all of the plants described below call for well-draining soil and, in many cases, additional watering. The amount and frequency of watering depends on several variables, including exposure, temperature and soil. A good rule of thumb is to water 8 inches deep, then let the soil dry out before watering again. Succulents need more water in the spring, when they are actively growing, and very little in the winter.

Are you a beginner in horticulture? Try to grow succulents that cover the area!


If you are new to gardening but want to dip a toe in the water, try growing succulents which, like bedding perennials, have a lot of benefits. More than one reason to carry out a project on this scale!

They are utterly charming, come in a variety of sizes and colors, and have a carefree nature. In the landscape, succulents spread, creating a carpet of texture combined with low ease of maintenance. There are even hardy varieties available for northern gardeners.

Do perennial ground cover succulents grow well?

Trying to develop a fuss-free area of ​​the garden with weed-resistant properties and visual appeal? Need plants that can tolerate neglect, thrive in times of drought, and cover an unsightly area? Try to grow creeping succulents! Green succulents for ground cover may just be the answer you are looking for with many benefits and opportunities.

Do you want flowers or leaf color? There are ground cover succulents for almost any need and any space. Sun or shade? Wet or dry? No problem, there is a variety to suit every condition.

How to Select Outdoor Ground Cover Succulents? 


The most important part of the selection of full-soil succulents is to take into account the growing conditions. Northern gardeners will want hardy species while southern landscapers will be more interested in full sun perennials., drought resistant. Make sure that wherever you place your succulents, the soil drains freely, otherwise your plants could develop mold or rot issues. The soil does not need to be rich because in fact, most creeping succulents prefer lean soil. Take into account the microclimate of your garden and place slightly tender specimens in sheltered places. Even heat-loving perennial succulents need shelter when temperatures rise above 27 ° C. Make sure you have a way to protect them in extreme heatwaves.

Where can you find perennial succulents given their characteristics? 

By the sea, in the plains, in the great deserts, at an altitude of thousands of meters, resistant to heat, economical in water, camouflaging certain faults of the terrain. These are the wild species, but if it is a question of “populating” an outdoor space with garden succulents, which options should be preferred.

Which flowering ground cover succulents should you choose? : rocky purslane 


Do you want to adopt Calandrinia spectabilis? Its gray-green leaves form a dense mound that is transformed by the appearance of magenta flowers from spring to fall. The flowers are about an inch wide and last one day, with new ones ready to take their place the next day. Rock purslane has a low water requirement and does well in full sun or filtered shade.

For an eye-catching combination, pair boulder purslane with pig’s ear (Cotyledon orbiculata), a succulent that produces orange flowers and which, depending on the varieties grown, has leaves in a light green or bluish gray color, covered with a powdery substance. Rock purslane does best in Mediterranean climates, but is suitable as a container plant and can be treated as an annual in cooler climates.

Blue chalks are a good choice for the Mediterranean region 

The beautiful blue-gray, upright 2.50cm leaves gradually spread to create an attractive ground cover in frost-free areas. The flowers range from white to chartreuse and appear in summer. Blue chalks are great for creating a color contrast when used alongside plants with bright green foliage, such as kangaroo’s foot (Anigozanthos spp.)

It is a good choice for regions with a mild Mediterranean climate. Besides making an excellent ground cover, this beauty is often used for erosion control, in containers, and as a fire retardant plant. This succulent covering plant supports a neighbor like the blue fescue in the foreground.

The trio mentioned above are part of the low watering succulents group.

Erect Myrtle Spurge is considered a weed

Unfortunately, this hardy succulent plant is unfairly overlooked. The chartreuse flowers, which gradually turn green and then tan, offer a welcome color to landscapes tolerant to drought from late winter to spring. The pointed blue-gray leaves are arranged in a spiral pattern providing a decorative texture throughout the year. The other variety of vertical leafy spurge can withstand temperatures ranging from over 37.8˚C to minus 28.9˚C. Plant in groups of three or five next to rocks and flowering perennials like beard tongue (Penstemon spp.)

Euphorbia rigida, the leafy spurge or erect myrtle spurge, grows up to 50cm tall and wide and can be planted alongside small succulents like houseleek.

Little watering and full sun are enough for these succulents.

Royal dew or dew flowers 

Thanks to its vibrant flowers in shades of pink, purple and red, depending on the variety, this specimen from the flowering creeping succulents group creates a colorful carpet from late spring to summer, almost completely covering the foliage. When this succulent with purple, red or orange flowers is not in bloom, the narrow gray-green leaves add a visually refreshing element to the garden. The roots can extend up to three feet wide. Although its poor growth may make you step on it, avoid the temptation as it does not tolerate foot traffic. Native to South Africa, it should come as no surprise to see this succulent in partial shade in the desert.

Green ground cover succulents: Caucasian stonecrop 

Since Sedum spurium is a perennial, we wouldn’t want to ignore it among succulents either. Succulents aren’t just for hot climates. This creeping ground cover can grow in zones 3 through 8. The beauty of this stonecrop species is its narrowly whorled leaves, often tinged with red. In late spring and summer, star-shaped pink flowers cover the leaves and attract butterflies.

Given its name, the plant is native to the Caucasus region of Eastern Europe. Very modest in need of watering but worshiping the sun, “dragon’s blood” is good for a rock garden .

Agave species vary from small to medium in size 

Its image evokes the Mexican desert and despite the prickly tops of its leaves, it is a good choice of ground cover. With its very attractive rosette pattern, agave makes a wonderful ground cover for water. Use it next to rocks for a great texture contrast. This plant and other smaller agave species work well in arid climates, including low-desert climates, as they can withstand full sun and intense summer heat.

Resin spurge looks like a cactus 

The square light green stems arranged in clumps give this African native the appearance of a cactus. The sides of the stems are covered with brown thorns. Older specimens can get quite large and look like columnar cacti. The little ones look great next to rocks and drought tolerant perennials such as desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) and black-footed daisy (Melampodium leucanthum).

Be careful of contact as the milky sap is poisonous.

The candelilla creates a desert landscape 

Another Mexican with narrow and waxy stems, with an upright habit, the candelilla adds another dimension to the landscape. Rather than spreading outward near the ground, new stems are produced along the outer part of the plant, gradually increasing its width while continuing to stand upright. Tiny, pale pink flowers bloom along the upper half of the stems in spring. Small leaves can appear and drop quickly. You can create a visually appealing design by planting candelillas in staggered rows.

Houseleek or stone rose 

It is probably the most recognizable succulent among all beauty connoisseurs, to know by sight. The beautiful stone rose absolutely does not require extra attention to itself, it is perfectly content with what it has. It should be noted that the most severe tests – heavy frosts and severe droughts – are not a problem for the rosettes of the plant. Like the juniper which feels good in a rockery, the only thing this succulent hates and can’t stand are weeds nearby. So, weeding should become an integral procedure for the successful cultivation of a stone rose. The ideal place is a bright and well-lit area, which will ensure triumphant vegetation. If you have sandy soil in your garden, you can count on the rapid growth and spread of houseleek in the territory or in the flower bed in front of the house .


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