Visual guide of essentials for beginning knitters

Lately, we’ve had a lot of newbies coming in to get outfitted for their first foray into the wild world of knitting. Why now? Well, the weather has a lot to do with it, but there are lots of reasons people want to get started or get back into knitting. Many want a way to relax and unplug at home, while others want to stay calm and resilient at work. Whatever the reason, it’s a great time to start knitting, or share your love of knitting with your friends! Here we’ve put together a visual guide of essentials for beginning knitters:

Beginner’s Essentials:

1. Knitting needles
For the first time knitters, we recommend using Clover 9″ single-point bamboo needles, in US size 8 or 9. Metal needles can be too slippery for first-time knitters who have to get used to working a stitch without all the other stitches jumping off. The 9″ length is perfect for scarves or dishcloths and easy for new knitters to handle.

2. Light-colored worsted weight yarn
Our go-to yarns for new knitters are Lamb’s Pride Worsted,  Lamb’s Pride Bulky, or Cascade 220. These yarns have great stitch definition which makes it easier for students to see the difference between knits and purl bumps. Wool is springy and stretchy, and more forgiving of mistakes. Also, the lower price means new knitters won’t freak out about wasting yarn on their novice knitting.

3. A knitting buddy!
Well, you could learn to knit solo. There are lots of great instructional videos on YouTube. But knitting is very social, and more fun with friends.

4. Crochet hook
Most knitters have a crochet hook in their notions bag for picking up dropped stitches, edgings or certain cast-on techniques. For worsted weight yarn, you’ll need a size H or I crochet hook.

5. Darning needle
A blunt-tipped darning needle is used for weaving in those pesky ends and seaming.  I love my Clover Chibi bent-tip darning needles! They come in a set of three with a cute container that fits easily in my notions bag.

6. Scissors
Pretty straightforward, we all know how to use scissors.  Look for a small pair that will travel well, we recommend  Bryson Snip-Its. They fold up so the blades won’t catch on your knitting in your knitting bag.

7. Needle Gauger
This item is a bit optional as true beginners won’t need to worry about gauge on their very first project. The Susan Bates Knit Check has holes for checking the size of your miscellaneous needles, notes for crochet hook equivalents, and has an L-shaped window that makes it really easy to check your stitch gauge.

Happy knitting!


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