Paint Chip Sample Table Makeover

I loved the table because it was different, bright & cost me next to NOTHING!!

I found this Coffee Table on the Side of the Road,  (You know how I can’t resist picking things up for free, remember the Wooden Play Kitchen) I was planning on using it in our Pool Area, So I thought that bright colors would look best. I went to Bunnings and picked out the Colours & Size of the Sample Cards. Make sure you get a lot more than you think you need.

The table was very dirty. I gave it a clean.

I love that Daddy Moz has lots of tools. This sander is cordless & has rechargeable batteries.

After a light sand

Then a clean off

I already had this can of spray paint, but they are only about $10.

The first coat is done.

These are the colors I choose. I love the names on the cards. Some of my colors were; Hide & Seek Pool House (Convenient) Prom Queen Passionfruit Poppy Lime Leaf  Paparazzi Pink  (I have a soft spot for Alliteration words – the words start with the same letter. Passed on from Mum).

Missing one somehow!! Kids Maybe…

I started to Mogde Podge Glue the cards down, but they started to curl up. It was a warm day. So I decided to use doubled side tape to get them in place. Then I Mogde Podge Glued all over the whole table.

So, I know that the photos aren’t taken next to the pool. It’s been raining & freezing here Down Under. But don’t worry, I’m sure the table will get many Pina Colada’s placed on it!!  DONE!



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