FREE PATTERN: Baby Coco Sweater

Our latest free pattern is for the sophisticated baby in your life. Baby Coco‘s sleek look is a lot simpler than it looks thanks to a bottom-up seamless construction. A few rows of eyelet lace and a little colorwork add some excitement, but this sweater would also look cute done in a solid color.

Our version is done using Zara, which comes in a wide range of colors, allowing for all kinds of beautiful combinations.

Baby Coco is worked from the bottom up in a seamless sweater design with only a few rows of color-work.

Finished measurements: 23” chest (approximately 12-18 month size)


Filatura Di Crosa Zara (100% merino wool, 50 grams, 137 yards), 3 balls 1468 (MC), 1 ball 1392 (CC)

Size 7 circular needle (or size needed to get gauge)
Size 7 DPNs (or size needed to get gauge)
Size 3 DPNs (for I-cord)

Stitch markers
Darning Needle

Gauge: 4.75 sts = 1 inch in st st


K = Knit
P = Purl
K3tog = Knit 3 stitches together, decreasing stitch count by two.
Kf&b = Knit into the front and back of a stitch, creating an increase.
MC = Main Color
CC = Contrasting Color.
pm = Place marker
sm = Slip marker

Note: Because in the body each row of color work consists of only one row of CC, you will need to cut the MC and start it again at the opposite end. However, there are only two color-work sections, so end-weaving is kept minimal.


Body Ruffle and Eyelet Border:

With circular needle, CO 348 sts in MC. Starting with a knit row, work 4 rows in stockinette stitch.

Next Row (RS): K3Tog across. (116 sts remain)
Next Row (WS): K across.
Next Row: Change to CC and knit across.
Next Row: Change back to MC and knit across.
Next Row: K1, (yo, k2tog) across until 1 st remains, K1.
Row 10: K across.

Body of Sweater

Work in stockinette until work measures 4 1/2” from cast on edge, end with a WS row.

Eyelet Rows

Next Row (RS): Purl across.
Next Row (WS): Change to CC and K across.
Next Row: Change back to MC and K1, (yo, K2tog) across until 1 st remains, K1.
Next Row: K across.

Continue in stockinette stitch until piece measures 6” from cast on edge. Place project on waste yarn/holder and work on sleeves.


Sleeve Ruffle and Eyelet Border

Using DPNs CO 72 sts, PM and join in round being careful not to twist. Work 4 rounds in stockinette stitch.

Next Round: K3tog around. (24 stitches remain)
Next Round: P around.
Next Round: Change to CC and P around.
Next Round: Change back to MC and yo, k2tog around.
Next Round: P around.

Increase Rounds

Next Round: (Kfb, K7) 3 times, Kfb. (28 sts).

Kf&b on each side of marker every other round 7 times (42 stitches), and then every 4th round 2 times (46 stitches).

Continue to work in stockinette until sleeve measures 6.5” from beginning of ruffle. On last round, work to 5 sts before marker, place next 10 sts on holder (removing marker). Break yarn leaving a tail 8″ tail. Use tail in finishing to graft underarm.

Repeat for 2nd sleeve.

Join sleeves to body

Work 24 body sts, pm, place next 10 sts on holder (removing original marker), work 36 sleeve sts, pm, work 48 stitches, pm, place next 10 sts on holder (removing second marker), work 36 sleeve sts, pm, work rem 24 body sts. (168 stitches)

Work in stockinette stitch for 1″ from sleeve join, ending with WS row.

Raglan Decreases

Next Row (RS): (Work to 4 sts before marker, k2tog, yo, ssk, sm, k2tog, yo, ssk) 4 times, k to end.

Next Row (WS): Purl across.
Repeat last rows 14 more times. At the same time, when piece measures 9.5″ from cast on, begin neck shaping.

Neck Shaping

Bind off 5 stitches at each neck edge, then bind off 2 stitches at each edge. Continue to decrease 1st stitch at neck edge every row 4 times.

Continue until finished with raglan decreases, leave remaining 30 stitches on holder, break yarn.


Neck Band

With RS facing, pick up 5 bound off sts from right front, pick up 2 sts from side bind off, pick up

9 side neck sts, work remaining 30 sts from body needle pick up 9 left side neck sts, pick up 2 sts from side bind off, pick up 5 bound off sts. (62 sts)

Next Row (WS): K across.
Next Row (RS): k1, (yo, k2tog) until last stitch, k1.

Knit 3 more rows in garter stitch, and bind off on right side.

Front Bands

With RS facing, pick up 42 stitches along each front edge (do not pick up along ruffle edge). Knit 3 garter ridges, and bind off on right side.

Knit 3 stitch I-cord in CC with smaller DPN for 40” and thread through neck edge for top closure.

Graft underarms. Weave in all ends.

Download a pdf of the pattern here!