Create a round flower bed: planning tips and beautiful design ideas
Where to install around flower bed?
Really, you don’t have to go with the trend of placing flower islands in obvious places – around a tree, near the house, or on both sides of the aisles. They serve as a beautiful backdrop for garden structures or lawns. You can place it around a flower bed almost anywhere, and it will always become an eye-catching focal point. It is an indubitable fact that the circular and multicolored shape has a calming impact on the psychic.
Tips for planning a circular flower bed
Indeed, creating around a flower bed can be more difficult than you might think. Most other types of flower beds, either maintenance-free or edged, have some backgrounds like a wall, fence, driveway, tree, or just the edge of your garden. A round flower bed is usually insulated, which means that it requires a special design. There are no hard and fast rules for designing a circular flower bed, but a few general tips will help you make it stand out and, most importantly, make it look beautiful.
Select location
First, plan where you want to place the flower bed and how big you want it to be. Unlike rectangular flower beds you can take anywhere, you will need a little more space for a round shape. In large outdoor spaces or lawns, around or curved flower bed makes perfect sense. Indeed, the round flower bed is very decorative and should occupy a central place in the garden. For corners and areas along the wall or fence, long, narrow, angular beds are more suitable.
Mark the contours
To create a round flower bed in an open space, you must first mark the outline. Place a wooden stake in the center of the chosen location. Tie a string to the stake and use it to draw a perfect circle. With an easy-to-move stake and long string, you can play with the size and location until you get there. You can also use a garden hose or a hoop to mark the circle. Once the circle has been drawn, remove the existing lawn and weeds, turn the soil over to loosen it, and prepare it. Now it’s the plantation’s turn.
Plant around flower bed
Before putting flowers or plants on the border, it is useful to make a detailed plan. You should always keep in mind the chosen location, as it will determine the choice of plants.
Choose a centerpiece for the circle.
An existing tree makes a beautiful centerpiece around flower beds, but it is not essential. However, there must be something that anchors the circle, such as a summer-flowering shrub, a fast-growing flower, or a plant with interesting foliage. This gives the bed its structure.
Think of a model
Do not put flowers indiscriminately because a circle calls for more order. For example, you can make concentric rings of different types of flowers or divide the circle into quarters or eighths. On the other hand, repetition works well. Here are some tips that should help you plant the round bed: Always put tall flowers, perennials, or shrubs in the center. The lower a plant, the closer it should be to the edge of the bed. We can make an exception in cases where you want to create an up-down pattern of two plants. Plants need light, so don’t plant them too close to each other. If there are ground covers in your flower bed, insert them at the edge or use them as our landscaping suggestion in front of the house.
Choose plants that grow well together.
All the plants that you put in the round bed should require the same soil, water, and light conditions. This will greatly facilitate the maintenance of the bed and ensure its proper development. But it would help if you also had variety. Otherwise, the flower bed will become boring. Choose different heights and colors, and add plants with interesting foliage to complement the flowers.
Tips for planting
Before putting the flowers in the ground, test them out by gathering them together while still in the pots. Rearrange them as you see fit until you’re happy with the result. When the layout is right for you, dig the appropriate holes for each plant and place them in the soil at the same depth they grew in the pots. Water the plants well after transplanting them to the round flower bed.
Bed border
A border around the flower bed defines it. You can use almost anything for this, including traditional bed borders, stones, bricks, etc. A low hedge or plant cover is also helpful in creating some sort of boundary for the bed. Our edging ideas for wooden flower beds impress with their authenticity and originality.
What plants for around the border?
The round flower bed planted in the middle of the garden is usually exposed to direct sunlight. The location of your flower island plays a crucial role in planting, as not all flowers will thrive in the sun. If there are trees nearby or the flower bed is planted near the house, plants for partial shade are ideal.
Think of the round flower bed as a flowery fountain. You want the large blooms in the center, surrounded by slower-growing plants and surrounded flowering ground cover plants. Consider a mix of perennials and annuals when planning the layout of the garden. Planting a combination of perennial flowers, annuals, bulbs, and a decorative border will create a source of color, texture, and beauty throughout the season. While you’re at it, opt for flowering plants with beautiful foliage to keep your round flower bed attractive and not bare.
Examples of beautiful, long-flowering perennials for your flower bed include catmint, coneflower, yarrow, as well as daylilies, which create a beautiful ensemble separately or in combination with each other. If you don’t mind gardening, you can also opt for summer annuals, but you’ll need to replant them every year. Some of the most popular include verbena flower, snapdragon, annual flax, nasturtium, and many more.
Tip: For suitable planting combinations, you can get advice at a garden center. Experts will help you find the flowers that will thrive best in your garden.
Beautiful design ideas for around flower bed
Either around a tree or with a raised round bed, islets of flowers should receive proper care. How to care for the different types of round flower beds? Zoom on our suggestions!
A raised round flower bed
Flower beds do not have to be at ground level. A round raised bed immediately catches the eye thanks to its position and becomes a real focal point in the garden. In addition, plants in such a bed benefit from a good supply of nutrients and sufficient heat. If you want to turn the round flower bed into a clearly defined raised bed, surround it with natural stones, bricks, or wood, depending on what material best suits the style of your garden.
A round flowerbed around a tree
If you have trees in your garden and are looking for ideas to make the landscape even more beautiful, around flower bed around it is a great option. The round shape is in harmony with the tree itself and creates a perfect frame for it.
Bed border ideas
For a beautiful bed border, the possibilities are almost endless. The clearly defined bed borders not only look beautiful, but they also have a practical function. Here we have put together some cool ideas that are easy to copy and offer a suitable variation for every garden style. Let us inspire you!
A stone-raised bed is perfect for flowers.
Turn the old cartwheel into a beautiful flower bed
Bed border with pebbles
Create a round flower bed with old tires
A low hedge works very well as a natural bed border
Ground cover instead of border