Ribbon Sticks for RAINBOW PARTY

All the kids received a ribbon stick at the party.

Here is how I made them.


  1. Ribbon
  2. Dowel rods – any thickness (mine was 9mm)
  3. Scissors
  4. A nail
  5. Hammer
  6. Alligator clips

It’s really hard to screw the ????? into the dowl, so nail at the end about 1/2 cm.
Then removed the nail (try to pull straight out, don’t wiggle it around, it can make the hole to bog)

Screw in the ?????

Why do they put the stickiness of sticky stickers on things??? (say that 10 times)
I had to sand mine off.

Cut all the ribbons to length

Put ribbons together & fold.
It’s a  good idea to sew the ribbons together, but I had too many.

Attach the Alligator Clip to the ribbons & with the hole on the clip side through the ????


The kids loved these on the day.