Mini coffee maker for dollhouse

I am making a miniature cafe. But because I live where I live, finding the right dollhouse accessories is as hard as finding a vacant mall cashier a day before Christmas.

I can’t possibly have a cafe without a coffee maker so I attempted to make one. And now I shall share my process for the attempt.

You will need: Styrofoam (the one I used here, incidentally, came with the new coffee maker we just bought), miniature pot or mug, acrylic paint, paintbrush, craft knife.

Cat, optional. That’s Chino, the loaner cat, by the way.

Paint and add stickers if you like.



1. When painting the styrofoam, do not press the brush too hard. You might end up “wounding” your coffee maker.

2. Be generous with the paint. You will want to cover the teeny holes your coffee maker might have.

3. Do not use spray paint; only water-based paint will do.

4. I know I said I’ll post a tutorial for the tie-neck top but I am limiting my crafty projects to small things at the moment. We are moving to a new apartment. Yes, AGAIN.